
Our Inclusive Environment

West Windsor Arts makes every effort to ensure that individuals with physical and cognitive disabilities can participate in programs and activities, as well as serve in its administrative office.

We are fully committed to ensuring that accessibility guidelines and requirements as set forth by the federal government and state of New Jersey are implemented. West Windsor Arts regularly reviews its policies and procedures to address any issues or problems that might arise in regard to ADA compliance and regularly assesses progress toward full compliance.

We encourage members of the public to discuss their accessibility needs with us so we can address them. West Windsor Arts trains its staff in order to encourage sensitive and effective communication and service to members of the community with different needs. Upon request, and with two weeks’ notice, specific accommodations will be made subject to our available resources.

Accessibility features of the building at 952 Alexander Road in Princeton Junction, NJ:

  • Limited handicap parking is available on a first-come, first-served basis. If notified, we can reserve extra spaces as needed.
  • A fully ADA-compliant ramp is available at the rear of the building, adjacent to the parking lot. It provides direct access to the performance gallery and studio. Please call our main number for entry.
  • A slate-covered ramp with handrail provides access to the front lobby, where a wheelchair lift is available to bring visitors to the performance gallery and studio. Staff are available to assist with doors as needed.
  • Three single-user, all gender restrooms are available on the performance gallery and studio level of the building and are adequately sized for wheelchair access.
handicap and wheelchair accessible art galleries and performance spaces at west windsor arts.


Because of flexible seating in our performance gallery and studio, wheelchair seating is always available, as well as companion seating. If you would like this set up before you arrive, please send an email or call our main number. Registered service animals are welcome at all times.

Advance Notification Required for These Services

Sign language (ASL), open or closed captioning, assistive devices, and large print programs: Please contact us online or by phone at (609) 716-1931 at least two weeks prior to your scheduled visit. Every effort will be made to satisfy our patrons’ requests subject to available resources to provide for full physical and programmatic access.

Guest Feedback on Accessibility

It is the policy of West Windsor Arts to encourage guest feedback at the earliest stage of interactions, investigate all complaints and take appropriate action. Please contact us online or by phone at (609) 716-1931.

To meet the accommodations of all our patrons, we have several enhancements to make everyone’s visit enjoyable.

For the blind/low vision:
A description for each piece of art can be accessed in our online store through a QR code.

For the deaf or those needing hearing accommodations:
Audio tour with closed captioning will be accessible on most devices through a QR code. Plus we will have a limited number of devices we can loan out.

At opening receptions:
Listening devices will be available for select presentations. This can be accessed to those that have Bluetooth-enabled hearing aids. We also have a limited number of devices to loan out.

Artwork labels will have large font of 18 point.

Audio tour will be available for a selection of the art.