Cleaning The Sink
- Sink and surfaces must remain as paint free as possible. When you see paint residue while it is wet, please wipe off with paper towels on surfaces or scrub the sink with a sponge or brush to get the surface clean.
- Please do not leave any objects in the sink, other than the sink screen trap.
- The sink has a stopper feature with a lever mechanism under the sink. Sometimes the level may get moved, causing the sink to stop up. You can move the lever to see if this is the cause.
- Do not dump any glops or large amounts of paint into the sink. Paint should be cleaned off with paper towels and thrown away in the trash before cleaning palette or brushes.
- Nothing should be disposed of in the sink apart from water (turpentine, gamsol, oil, solvent, glue, clay, paint, etc.)
Oil Paint Disposal
- Any garbage with oil paint, solvent or other cleaning materials should be disposed of in the bright red trash bin.
- Oil paint brushes should never be washed in the sink, no solvent should ever be poured in the sink.
Keeping Floors Clean
- If there are pencil shavings, eraser bits or other debris on the floor when you are finished there is a broom in the far left closet. Please use this to sweep the materials
- If there is a liquid spill, clean to the best of your ability with paper towels and inform the front desk.
Supplies in the Studio
- No supplies in the studio are available to use.
- If you have a question about usage for our paper cutter, scissors, pencil sharpener or rulers please ask staff at the front desk.
Safety Information
- There is a first aid kit located on the far right of the counter with the sink. Please use this if you get injured.
- Inform the front desk of any emergency health situation.
- If there is broken glass, or a solvent spill please inform the front desk.