
Making marks on the page can be fun, relaxing, and even a form of meditation. Whether it’s a scribble or an accurate representation of what you see, the results can provide opportunities for pleasure, reflection, and conversation.

Join Eleni to explore drawing, painting, and collage from a variety of perspectives and to discover your own unique entry points into art-making. This accessible approach relies not only on direct observation, but also on imagination, intuition, memory, and (yes!) joy.

Whether or not you think of yourself as an artist, you’ll find yourself by letting go into a process that involves developing skills, expressing yourself, and just playing around. There will be prompts so that you never need to look at the blank page, and poems that suggest a theme, as well as occasional demos of techniques. All are welcome as we each start from where we are – learning the skills we need along the way to express ourselves freely. 

This class can be repeated, as themes, techniques, and approaches vary each session in response to student suggestions; new and continuing students are welcome to join this creative community!

For the first class please bring the following supplies:

  • A variety of pencils, pens, and markers
  • Oil pastels and/or crayons
  • 8 x 10 or 9 x 12 mixed media art journal (Canson, Strathmore, or Blick)

Additional supplies can include the following and will be discussed in class. No need to get everything all at once (you will pick and choose!)

  • Colored pencils
  • Watercolor pencils
  • Drawing inks
  • Watercolors, acrylic paints, and/or tempera paints
  • A few brushes of different sizes, and a palette
  • collage papers, old magazines etc as well as glue stick and/or Elmer’s glue
  • A variety of papers and/or a 2nd art journal (different size from the first)

Pinwheel collage by Eleni



Eleni Litt

About the Teaching Artist

Eleni Litt (EZL Studio) is a teaching artist in Central New Jersey and the Inaugural Artist-in-Residence at The Athena Advisors. Her approach to teaching creates communities of creative practice for artists and non-artists alike that encourages inquiry, curiosity, and play. She has Certificates in Fine Arts from Parsons School of Design, and Creative Arts Therapies from The New School, as well as a PhD in Social Anthropology from the London School of Economics. She shows her work in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania.