Join us for the opening reception of our summer art show Jump into Pictures: Children’s Book Illustration!
Everyone will love this art show about book illustrations. Even before children learn to speak, they are enthralled by the world around them… lights, colors and sounds in graphical motion. Children’s books play an important supporting role in shaping a child into the adult they will become. As parents patiently teach language to their kids, they reach for the illustrations in baby books to connect a word to a picture. With their curiosity piqued, children devour picture books and simple stories, while connecting to their daily routines. As they grow, so do the illustrations, from showing the obvious to showcasing new ideas. These images also do the work of opening a Pandora’s box of imagination and concepts for them.
Art Show Opening Reception: July 21 7:00 – 8:30pm
Dates of the Art Show: July 18 to August 26
Jurors: Rashad Malik Davis and Kelly Lan
Jump into Pictures Activities for All – We are making this a must see art show with fun activities everyone can participate in all summer long.
Photo-Op: Let’s invoke the child in all of us! Dress up as your favorite character from a beloved children’s book (or really any book will do) and support “Jump into Pictures,” our summertime art exhibition. Come to the arts center dressed as your favorite character and bring a copy of the book. Use our photo-op to memorialize your enthusiasm and add the photo to our Favorite Book Character frame. We are kicking this off at the opening on July 21, so come prepared with costume and book!
I Spy: We will also have an “I Spy – Jump into Pictures” game which will challenge all ages.
These are open to and encouraged for kids and adults. To participate, come to the opening or any Saturday during the show between 10am and 4pm.
To view the press release for this exhibition, visit 2023 Jump Into Pictures Art Show.
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