Open Call for Musicians, Performers, and Entertainers
Open call for performers: musicians, dancers, singers, musical entertainers, filmmakers, entertainers for children, puppeteers, and more for a series of community-driven shows between Fall 2024 to Spring 2025.
We are seeking local individuals and groups who would like to perform in front of an audience in our 85-seat capacity performance gallery.
Submission Deadlines:
– This is a rolling entry, so please submit applications as soon as you can. We review applications and make decisions as applications come in.
What the performers will get:
– A performance on a Friday evening or Saturday afternoon
– Access to the space for 1 rehearsal prior to the performance on a Saturday afternoon.
— Promotion of the event by West Windsor Arts on our website and through our social media channels.
— Use of select theatrical lights
– Use of large projection screen or large TV on a rolling stand, if needed
– Honorarium based on ticket sales. Once overhead is covered, ticket sales will be split 50/50.
Who we are seeking:
– Performers willing to make their show extra special by adding a meet and greet, hands on activity or something that engages an audience.
– Performers willing to work with us to keep the ticket price competitive and affordable.
– Performers who will actively promote the event through their community, followers and social media.
Requirements and Considerations:
– Performers must supply West Windsor Arts with photos, images and graphics so we can promote the event.
– Performance should be at least 1.5 hours long.
– Our space works best with acoustic music and minimal or no drums.
– Performers must provide their own sound system, instruments, and other performance equipment.
– Performers will be set up on the same level as the audience (raised stage is not available).
– There is no piano available for use on site.
– If ticket sales are low, WWA retains the right to cancel the event.
To apply, please use this form: Open Call for Musicians, Performers and Entertainers
Please have the following information ready before you begin:
- Bio about your group and/or individuals in the group, including education and training.
- Website or social media
- A few samples of your work, videos or mp4 of your music or performance
- Define who you believe your audience to be: age range, etc.
- What makes your show unique?
- What added feature will you do to engage the audience?
- Send a short paragraph that describes what your ideal show would be like.
What to expect:
Once you apply we will review your proposal. If you are accepted, we will agree upon a date and then put together a contract. At that time all promotion materials need to be sent to Kimberly@westwindsorarts.org